Saila Sailing often offers a day trip to guests who are going through a rough period in their lives. Because of chronic or terminal illness, intensive volunteer aid for others or the loss of a partner or child. Especially for them, a day aboard on Salia – away from the trouble and stress at home – can give them new energy. On top of that, it creates a valuable recollection of a special moment with family or friends.
What are Pro Deo trips?
Sometimes, these families, informal caregivers or relatives don’t have the means to organise a day out. That’s why we regularly organise Pro Deo trips: on costs of Saila Sailing, so they can take a breath of fresh air and replenish their reserves. It is wonderful to see the guests really enjoy themselves and truly relax during their time aboard!
How does it work?
- Saila Sailing takes care of the full day aboard, including the lunch
- We take into account the special circumstances due to illness or a handicap
- Family or friends take care of the situation at home and the transport to the harbour
- Beforehand, we will see if our guest meets the conditions for a Pro Deo trip (we could ask for references)
- Gifts to make these Pro Deo trips possible are of course always welcome (ask for the details). Or book a trip for yourself and automatically contribute to this charity!
Do you know a friend, colleague or family member who is going through hardship? And do you think he or she could very well use a relaxed day aboard with personal attention? And you’re not in te position to surprise them with a Saila Sailing gift voucher? Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us to find out what the possibilities are. Or send us an e-mail in which you explain the situation and why he or she deserves a Pro Deo day with Saila.
- These Pro Deo trips are partly made possible by our paying guests. Without them we would not be able to provide Saila for this charity. Thank you very much for your contribution!